Frequently Asked Questions

Your privacy is important to Transform Now Life Application Courses

By visiting and using this website, you agree and consent to the following Privacy Policy governing the collection and use of personally identifiable and other information by Transform Now Life Application Courses.

Transform Now Life Application Courses may collect information from you when you sign up for e-mails or free gifts, register for a class or presentation, leave comments, order a service or product, fill out any type of form, access private membership pages, or otherwise Transform Now Life Application Courses via an online form or e-mail. The information collected may include your name, e-mail, address, phone number, and/or billing information. You are not required, however, to provide any personally identifiable information to merely access or visit this website.

Transform Now Life Application Courses collects such information in order to send e-mails, fulfill orders, deliver services and products, complete customer transactions, oversee contests and promotions and improve website performance and customer service.

If you want to unsubscribe from receiving e-mails from Transform Now Life Application Courses, you may do so at any time. Each e-mail from Transform Now Life Application Courses includes instructions for unsubscribing from these e-mail communications.

Transform Now Life Application Courses may collect domain information and “cookies” (small files saved on your hard drive by your web browser) to analyze website performance, track user patterns, save information from your previous visits and customize your experience. Transform Now Life Application Courses or its third-party vendors may collect nonpersonal information through the use of these technologies. Nonpersonal information might include the browser you use, the type of computer you use and technical information about your means of connection to this website such as the operating systems and the Internet service providers utilized and other similar information. Transform Now Life Application Courses’ systems may also automatically gather information about the areas you visit and search terms you use on this website and about the links you may select from within this website to other areas of the Internet.

Transform Now Life Application Courses respects your privacy and will never sell, trade or transfer your personally identifiable information to third parties without your consent. However, Transform Now Life Application Courses may choose to release personal information to enforce its Terms of Use, manage its business, protect users or the general public, or to otherwise comply with legal obligations.

This is an Agreement between Transform Now Life Application Courses (“we,” “us,” “our”) and any individual, entity, or organization that procures our services (“you” or “your”). If you have any questions about this agreement, you can email our staff at

Acceptance of Terms: Any service that we provide for you is governed by the terms and conditions that you’re reading now. If you don’t agree to these terms, we can’t provide you with any services. This agreement is a binding contract between you and us.

Payment: Our fee structure is simple. All services are paid in advance via debit or credit card. We use industry-standard PCI Compliant third-party vendors to manage our payment system and your information.

Refunds: Transform Now Life Application Courses is a final sale. We are both making a commitment to each other for the duration of our course lengths.  We understand life happens so if there is a legitimate reason for needing to leave the course, you can notify the Transform Now Life Application Courses team to discuss possible solutions.

Services: We’ll provide the following services: Pre-recorded webinars, videos, written course content, group coaching calls, live streaming, Live chats, any additional perks as laid out in your introduction email and full access to the Transform Now Life Application Courses site for duration of course offered.

No Guarantee of Results: We will work our hardest to provide you the best solutions possible. Additionally, we make no guarantee of individuals change of life in any way or manor. We encourage and influence individuals to apply application to the information provided in each course to receive personal benefit.

Honor Code: Transform Now Life Application Courses is a private, paid group. In order to create a safe place to share ideas, we ask that you please honor each other’s privacy. Do not share members ideas outside of the group unless given permission, and do not take each other ideas. We record all of our calls and if a member feels as though their intellectual property (IP) has been taken, they may pursue legal action.

Independent Contractor: We are an independent contractor to you/your organization. By entering this contract, we don’t intend to create a joint venture or partnership, or become one of your employees. Neither of us are granted any rights to control the other or to enter into agreements on the other’s behalf.

Limitation on Liability: 

Force Majeure: We won’t be in breach of this agreement if fire, earthquake, illness, death, act of God, labor dispute, or other event beyond our control prevents us from providing services in a timely fashion. We’ll notify you about the situation and work with you to establish a timeline for completing our services, if possible.

Governing Law/Forum Selection: Texas law governs this contract. We both agree to resolve any disputes exclusively in the state or federal courts located in Houston, Texas, and not anywhere else. You submit to the personal jurisdiction and venue of those courts. Entire Agreement: This is our entire Agreement. It supersedes all other discussions, understandings, and negotiations between us, if any.

By visiting this site, you acknowledge, understand and agree that all of the Transform Now Life Application Courses trademarks, trade names, service marks, domain names, Transform Now Life Application Courses logos, any brand features, product and service names, and original works of authorship and copyrights, are protected by international intellectual property laws and as such, are and shall remain the sole property of Transform Now Life Application Courses. You also agree not to display and/or use in any manner the Transform Now Life Application Courses logo, name, or marks.

Please note that adding words around “Transform Now Life Application Courses,” or an inversion of the words (Transform Now Life Application Courses) still constitutes a trademark infringement. If you create a site, group, business, or product using any of the Transform Now Life Application Courses intellectual property, you may receive a cease-and-desist letter. We take our intellectual property rights very seriously and reserve all rights to take any necessary actions for violations of our rights.